Between March 2002 and April 2003 archaeologists
conducted an archaeological survey of a portion of the Ripley property
that encompassed Site 44GL32. The archaeologists dug shovel test
pits every 50 feet on a grid across 40 acres of the Ripley’s
property. The soil from these holes was screened through ¼
inch mesh, helping archaeologists find artifacts in 478 of the 560
shovel test pits.
The survey identified concentrations of
artifacts signifying an extensive Virginia Indian occupation spanning
the Archaic to Contact periods (8000 B.C.E. to circa 1609), along
with historic occupations dating from the late 17th to the 20th
century. In addition to thousands of artifacts being recovered from
these periods, at least 41 features were located. The artifacts
and features found during the survey provided archaeologists with
additional evidence suggesting this was the location of Powhatan's
capital village of Werowocomoco.