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James Goodwin excavates a feature near the riverfront. Dave Brown and James Goodwin display some of the Late Woodland ceramics found in the riverfront feature. The riverfront excavation in progress.
A late woodland feature (upper left) and historic posthole (lower right) were found just outside of last years excavations (see plastic on right). You can see sections of the two ditches crossing this excavation trench. The riverfront excavation was less than fifty feet from the York River.
These circular depressions mark the locations of vertically-set logs that formed a fence. Not every visitor to the site was human. Whlie the pasture appears empty on its surface, beneath the grass is hundreds of years of history.
This profile shows the gradual filling of the ditches by numerous layers of silt. This circular pit was filled sometime at the end of the 18th century by the Taliaferro family. Thane Harpole, Beth Clites, and Nick Anderson clean the test units while in the shadow of a backhoe.